Thursday, 9 February 2012


I have finally got my refund from STA Travel. My persistence has paid off!

A couple of days ago I got this letter:
STA Complaint Success

I think I might frame this. 

Whilst I am glad to get my money back, I am still disgusted that I had to e-mail their CEO before they would budge. Even in this letter they refuse to admit liability, and offer no form of compensation for the hassle they have caused.

Remember, persistence pays. Especially when you know you're in the right.

Good luck and Happy complaining....

Thursday, 19 January 2012

STA Travel Complaint sent to Rip Off Britain

I sent the message below to BBC Rip Off Britain. This is the short version of what went wrong with our trip:

Dear Rip Off Britain,

After watching your program recently, I think my story may be of interest. I hope you can help.

In September 2010, myself and three friends booked a once in a lifetime trip round the world with STA Travel. The round the world ticket cost around £1700 each and we had been saving up for years to get enough spending money for the 5 month trip.

In November we decided to change one of the flights to allow us more time in the USA at the end of the trip. This cost us £35 each, and we received a new itinerary with the new flights included. We also booked a campervan rental with STA to coincide with these new dates.

In January there was a minor change to one of our flights which STA informed us of, and sent us new itineraries to reflect this change. No problem there.

We set off for Thailand in March and then successfully travelled to Malaysia, Singapore, Bali, Australia and New Zealand using this itinerary / e-ticket.

The problems started on June 19th, when we dropped off the rented campervan at Christchurch airport for our flight to Fiji. (Bear in mind that we had booked this campervan rental via STA Travel to coincide with our flights.)

The clerk at the check-in desk told us that there was a problem with our ticket and that we had been removed from the flight by STA Travel. We could not get on this flight unless we contacted STA, who could reissue us with the tickets.

We didn't think this a problem. We had seen that they offer help, "7 days a week,  wherever you are!" so set out to contact them. (See file below from

Here To Help.... Ha!

They were not "Here to Help" at all. We spent 3 hours in the airport trying to speak to them, e-mail them, web chat with them, until we eventually missed the flight.

We were furious, but worst of all we had already donated our warm clothes and food, as we were supposed to be leaving the cold winter of New Zealand and heading for the tropical islands of Fiji.

We trudged back out of the airport and got a taxi to a backpackers hostel. The last thing we wanted to do was spend time hanging around in Christchurch, waiting for another earthquake. The city was still cordoned off after its worst earthquake ever, and continued to have tremors whilst we were there. I took the attached photo from round the corner of our hostel. We didn't sleep well that night, or the next.

So after days waiting for the weekend to roll round, we finally made contact with our local branch on Monday morning. She went away and came back with possibly the worst news that we could have expected.

In order to rectify their mistake with the flights, we would each have to fork out £244.40 to book new flights and continue our trip. At that time we had no choice and wanted desperately to leave Christchurch, so we paid the money, on the understanding that we could claim back the money by writing a letter to them when we return. (Our rep advised this by phone.)

Eventually, after months of them requesting invoices and copies of receipts, they came back with a standard reply letter offering a 50% refund of our costs (£163 each). This is despite admitting that it was their fault;  "due to a breakdown in communication between our Ticketing Department and the respective branch, the ticket confirmation for all passengers was incorrectly issued, essentially the ticket provided for that segment was not correctly set up" 

They claimed that we had failed to contact them about the incorrect flights, even though we had not received any mention of the changes via e-mail or otherwise. They claimed that we should have contacted the airline 72 hours before flying, however we had done this. As is normal, they asked for our flight number and said the flight is going ahead as scheduled. 

I have requested clarification on a number of problems with their replies, however all I ever receive are robotic responses with chunks of text copied from somewhere. Things like:  "I am sure you will understand, STA Travel strives to offer the best level of service..."

I am no further with my complaint than when I started and feel we have been treated appallingly by a company that is meant to specialise in dealing with students and young people.

I would love you to have a look at this case and see what you can do. I can provide copies of all correspondence with them.



Tuesday, 17 January 2012

How to provide awful service, Not listen to your customers, and make loads of dirty money

More fun with STA today. </sarcasm>

After sending them a lengthy letter about how they are wrong about my claim, they sent a standard reply, without acknowledgment of my points and still offer me the 50% refund.

So far nobody has answered my points. These unanswered points make the difference between me getting all my money back or not.

I am thinking of using this experience to write a book. It will be titled, "How to provide awful service, Not listen to your customers, and make loads of dirty money." 

Here are some FACTS about my trouble with STAtravel:

1. They failed to book our flight, but the flight was on our itinerary and e-ticket.

2. Despite paying nearly £2000 for a round the world ticket, they then charged us £244 each to arrange new flights. During this time we had to wait in Christchurch during earthquakes etc and pay for hostels and everything out of our own pockets. 

Stuck here until we paid extra £244 for flights!

3. They told us to make a complaint when we get back to claim the money back.

4. We complained

5. They spent weeks asking for tedious bits of information, receipts and invoices, even though they were never going to cover these costs.

6. They offered to pay only 50% of our receipted costs, which didn't even cover the £244 we had paid STA Travel to sort this whole mess out!

7. They advised me to contact ABTA, what a joke. Total waste of time. Basically ABTA just want me to pay them for arbitration services, and cannot actually help in any way with my complaint.

8. Now I get a letter from Nicola Deering, Customer Relations Manager (Ha!) saying that they stand by their original decision. This is despite all the evidence against them, which they have still failed to acknowledge or provide answers to.

9. Even better than the annoying letter is that it doesn't provide a phone number or e-mail address and leaves me only the option to reply by post. This is 2012 and they want me to correspond by post. It even says "I look forward to hearing from you," but obviously not enough to provide decent contact details.