Tuesday, 17 January 2012

How to provide awful service, Not listen to your customers, and make loads of dirty money

More fun with STA today. </sarcasm>

After sending them a lengthy letter about how they are wrong about my claim, they sent a standard reply, without acknowledgment of my points and still offer me the 50% refund.

So far nobody has answered my points. These unanswered points make the difference between me getting all my money back or not.

I am thinking of using this experience to write a book. It will be titled, "How to provide awful service, Not listen to your customers, and make loads of dirty money." 

Here are some FACTS about my trouble with STAtravel:

1. They failed to book our flight, but the flight was on our itinerary and e-ticket.

2. Despite paying nearly £2000 for a round the world ticket, they then charged us £244 each to arrange new flights. During this time we had to wait in Christchurch during earthquakes etc and pay for hostels and everything out of our own pockets. 

Stuck here until we paid extra £244 for flights!

3. They told us to make a complaint when we get back to claim the money back.

4. We complained

5. They spent weeks asking for tedious bits of information, receipts and invoices, even though they were never going to cover these costs.

6. They offered to pay only 50% of our receipted costs, which didn't even cover the £244 we had paid STA Travel to sort this whole mess out!

7. They advised me to contact ABTA, what a joke. Total waste of time. Basically ABTA just want me to pay them for arbitration services, and cannot actually help in any way with my complaint.

8. Now I get a letter from Nicola Deering, Customer Relations Manager (Ha!) saying that they stand by their original decision. This is despite all the evidence against them, which they have still failed to acknowledge or provide answers to.

9. Even better than the annoying letter is that it doesn't provide a phone number or e-mail address and leaves me only the option to reply by post. This is 2012 and they want me to correspond by post. It even says "I look forward to hearing from you," but obviously not enough to provide decent contact details.

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